17年前に来日したティン・ナインさん一家が、近日中にもミャンマーに強制送還される恐れが強まっています。私たち「THEIN NAINGさん家族の在留を求める会」は、ティンさんら家族の友人として、また隣人として、かれらが日本で安心して暮らしていけるよう、法務省に在留特別許可を求めていきたいと考えています。
- ネット署名 「THEIN NAINGさん家族に在留特別許可を」(第1次集約日 12/6)
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Petition for Resident Status for a Myanmar Family!
Dear Friends / Concerned Citizens,
One Myanmar family who came to Japan 17 years ago is getting to be forced to leave Japan now. As their friends, we are collecting as many signatures as possible so that they can be granted special permission to reside in Japan which is based on humanitarian consideration of Minister of Justice.
We would appreciate it very much if you could read the following article of Tokyo Newspaper whose title is "Please help Myanmar's family!", sign your petition, and if possible, forward this message to your friends. The petition will be delivered to Minister of Justice and Head of Tokyo Immigration Bureau on Dec. 7, when the family goes to the Immigration Office. We hope to reach to as many people as possible and add 10 thousand signatures to our growing
list of 1700 as of Sep 15.
The following websites and the petition are available on mobile phone.
- Tokyo Shinbun 07/08/30 "Please help Myanmar’s family!"
- Online Petition "Special Permission for THEIN NAING Family"(due on 12.06)